Birds Fly Bias

I was able to get nine exposures of this Northern Harrier as it flew by at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge, but nine made for a very wide photo.

Northern Harrier Hawk

Northern Harrier Hawk

Knights Ferry, California


This gallery contains 12 photos.

Here are more photos I captured at Knights Ferry. The decaying structures of the old flour mill make great subjects, and I lucked out with the cotton ball sky that day. The steel door is from the jail house in … Continue reading

Lost Opportunities

“All the world’s a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.”
?  Sean O’Casey 1880-1964

Voussoir Cache Voussoir Caché

In the audience

I am as cool as Sherlock Holmes

On stage, I sweat

The lights are blinding

Where are my lines?!!

……Your window was open

I looked in

drawn, moth-like, to all the possibilities

of what it is you are about

Yes, though your window was open


I discovered only myself

looking out

An entire building abandoned

Knight's Ferry 0363

Trees / To Climb is Devine

My back-up brain, Katie, suggested “trees” as the theme for my calender this year. Not too long into the project, I realized it should have been obvious. What better calender can there be, but a tree? The slideshow below contains the images I chose for this particular calender, and the poem immediately below is on the cover:



             from The Tree

     fruit in hand

to rest our soles

            upon the land

Now, looking back

      with longing eye

              we were so much closer

   to the Sky

I THINK that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree…. Joyce Kilmer -1913

TIMELY TREES … poetphoto 2015:

Logging time and season from their birth

Ringing in each year with added girth

Can there ever be a real challenger

For the noblest subject of a calender?

AprilClick the above image to view or purchase the Calendar on Zazzle

P.S. I realize 2015 is underway and you likely have your calendar by now–I could have been more “timely” publishing this, but all my  calendars will be reincarnated for 2016. Subscribe and I will keep you informed when that happens. Thanks!