Yellow on Red

As a college student, my itinerary for exploring Europe was determined by where I could find Hieronymus Bosch paintings to view in person. When I arrived in Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands–Bosch’s home town– it just happened to be during Fasching (carnival). The train pulled into the station just as a parade was ending there. To my great amazement, many characters right out of his paintings were milling about on the steps of the depot. I made my way to his house where I found a dead sparrow lying on his front step. Whew! As a 19 yr old, that was some heavy messaging. I had no idea what it meant, but it was awesome!

Detail from The Garden of Earthly Delights

Detail from The Garden of Earthly Delights

Anyway, I often see crows feasting on roadkill. When I came upon this shot, it struck me as an interesting turn of events. Graphically, I just liked the boldness of the red better than the original.

2016 Audubon entry #5

Yellow Jacket Dead Crow in red-

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