Oops…again, Rezone Back. Strike Three–File Suit

My apologies to my cousin Castle for using the photo shoot of his creative metal sculptures as the graphic for this unpleasant announcement. They seemed to fit the bill.

Castle sculture nightWell,…….in my last post I said, “I wish I could say with 100% certainty that this is strike three, you are out!” It was, but it wasn’t. At that time, I had not fully understood the process by which they could appeal the umpire’s decision. I figured that if they (the church) appealed the umpire’s (the Growth Management Board) decision, the Board had a team of lawyers to deal with it—Wrong! The Board does not defend its own decisions in court. The church has filed an appeal of the Board’s decision with the Superior Court. If the Court decides to hear the appeal, we will have to find an attorney willing to take the case on. Of course, I am hoping the Court will respond with something like, “Are you crazy? Go away and stop bothering us!” Meanwhile, I have until May 2nd to respond to the 23 reasons the church feels the Board’s decision should be tossed out. Fortunately, I have a lot of documentation to respond with.

The sculpture is pointing to Jupiter upper left. Lower right is a large ball  bearing reflecting a flashlight.

The sculpture is pointing to Jupiter upper left. Lower right is a large ball bearing reflecting a flashlight.

This is my first time on the receiving end of a summons—“A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled court by the petitioner.” Lovely. The church is suing everybody in the case including the City. The City because “the political winds have changed” and it appears that all but one holdout on the City Council wants to “comply” with the Board’s decision this time around, leaving this debacle behind them as quickly as possible. As long as the City is out of compliance, they cannot get State grants for funding other projects. Due to this ridiculous rezoning attempt, they have been out of compliance since August of 2014.

Sadly—to be continued.

Pterodactyl with egg

Sergei Rockchompumoff

Sergei Rockchompumoff

One thought on “Oops…again, Rezone Back. Strike Three–File Suit

  1. NOOOOOOO…..Let me know when you need me to hold a bake sale for your cause, or bail, or contempt of court, or whatever…

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